Posts in Fantastic Fauna

A Parade of Penguins

Exploring the 5 Penguins of the Antarctic Continent Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent on Earth but one[…]

7 Cetaceans at Risk of Extinction

Red-Listed and Critically Endangered Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales When we think of oceans we often conjure images[…]

‌Supersized Squirrels!‌

There are four distinct species of giant squirrel that can be found on the Asian continent, under[…]

‌The Majestic Harpy Eagle‌

Harpy eagles from South and Central America are one of the heaviest and longest of the eagle[…]

There Otter be a Post!

Exploring Sea Otters and their relatives.

The Sting of the Cnidarian (jellyfish and their relatives)

The cnidarian phylum of animals—comprised of jellyfish, tube-dwelling anemones, minute polyps, and certain types of coral—have a[…]